Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week of April 6th

This past week in class was definitely interesting and different. Our projects on Station North are in full swing and everyone is being really diligent about keeping up with the tasks at hand. For class this week we read a couple of articles about Station North. I really liked the article Arts Districts Without Artists. I thought that the article did a good job of explaining how there aren't many artists that live within the district that is labeled an arts district. This article explained a lot of the issues that Jazmin touched on in class. When she came to talk to us, she brought up the idea that many people living with the district aren't able to actively participate and this article. Along with discussing the articles the class worked on their group project. The class had decided that on Thursday a group of us would take the shuttle service down to Station North. Some of the class decided to go on Saturday and stayed on campus. The group that went went to Lexington Market first and were able to take everything in. Some people bought food while others took pictures to capture the authenticity of the market. From there we all walked down to Station North and broke up in groups. A couple of people went to Sofi's Crepes and got some food. While walking to Station North itself, we were able to stop and take some pictures of the murals on the wall along with other scenes.

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